Friday, December 24, 2010

Please pray for Lynn's niece. Her 5 week old son died today. :(

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ladies, you continue to amaze me . . .

I cannot even begin to explain what each of you mean to me. I shouldn't be, but I am so surprised at this wonderful group of women God has brought together. We had such an amazing night of fellowship, great food and fun. I love you guys and I can't wait until next week.

in His love,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prayer request

Hi ladies. Please keep my family in your prayers once again. My grandma passed away. We all expected this since grandpa just died. I'm hoping that the family will wait until I return for the funeral.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prayers for safety for my brother ...

Hello from Disney, ladies! I would really appreciate your prayers for my brother over the next five weeks. He works offshore and his next assignment to Africa is pretty dangerous. Here are the details:

28 days at sea. Crossing below Cuba and then across the Atlantic past liberia and Nigeria. 3 days in equatorial guinea and then two to four days traveling home. 4 days in pirate patrolled waters. Connecting flight in Paris or Amsterdam.

Thank you so much ladies. I've missed you and I very much look forward to seeing you Monday :)


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trusting God

Thank you ladies for your prayers Monday night. You are such a blessing to me. God is working to show me that He is there for me, waiting on me to reach out & trust Him in a way I have not been able to do before. This is not an easy thing for me, but at least I can finally see that much.

It's amazing to me that I can thoroughly trust him in some ways, such as to provide for my family financially, but have great difficulty trusting him in other ways, such as described on p. 73. The gap - the difference between the two - is becoming hugely apparent as I read our book & see how & why I have the insecurities that I do. I can't help but wonder if ultimately all of our insecurities, however big or small, stem from lack of full trust in God?

I have been praying that God will help me more fully trust Him. Now that I see this link between insecurities & trust in Him, I will expand my prayers to include you - my sisters in Christ - as well.

His blessings to you,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Urgent prayer request

Ladies, please pray for our friend, Lynn. She has a concealed handgun license in Texas, but she is being charged with a misdemeanor in Ohio for having a concealed handgun. Please pray as the Lord guides you.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Seriously Intense. . .

Wow! What a bible study! I'm really not sure that I've ever been part of such an open, honest group. I pray for those of us who are affected by unforgiveness and insecurities caused by past hurts. Our God is good, He is faithful and I know that He will work all of these things for His good. Thank you dear sisters in Christ for your friendship, advice and love. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks! I'll miss you so =0)

I haven't been posting the prayer requests since we're all together when we say them . . . let me know if you'd like me to keep posting them.

in His love,

ch 5 thoughts

I'm on my third day of reading chapter 5 now. I've had to break it into parts, because it is so difficult for me to handle. It lists categories of reasons why we could face insecurity in our lives, and so far each one has been true for me. Talk about bringing up & rehashing old stuff hidden in the back closets of my mind!

Last night, right after I finished crying out to God in anguish over some of it, and asking him to send someone to me with a message of hope for me, my sister sent the following in an email to me. I just now read it - it did not occur to me last night to check my email - I thought the phone would ring...

"We all need to trust God more. Sometimes we are strong and sometimes we struggle, but He is always faithful. Remember Elijah. One day he is standing up to all the prophets of Baal and asking God to send down fire. God sends fire. The next day he is hiding from Queen Jezebel who has promised to kill him. God sends angels to minister to him, and God himself speaks to him and restores him to duty. God does the same for us. He is like a good father teaching his child to walk. When we walk by faith, He cheers us on. When we loose our faith(balance) and fall, he is there to help us up and encourage us to walk again!"

God is so very good!!! Saturday night I lost my spiritual balance, and Sunday morning God sent me messages of hope & encouragement & restoration, helping me to stand back up & start to walk with Him again. Sunday (last) night I fell again, and once again He helped me back up. Thank you, God!!!

If you have fallen, my hope is that God reaches His strong hand down to you & helps you stand & walk again with Him today with renewed faith!

See you tonight,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you so much for your prayers for Tracie and me. Our grandpa, Arnie Quay Neesmith, passed away this morning. My entire family is grateful for your prayers. I cannot even begin to explain how fervently I prayed that he wouldn't suffer for a long time . . . I just looked back to see how long we've known about the cancer . . . it's been 10 days!!! I'd say that is pretty quick. The best part is that he was completely coherent and aware up until Thursday morning. God is so good. Please pray for my family over the next few days. None of us are very close, and I haven't seen my cousins since high school. There are lots of tempers and feelings that are easily hurt in the family so pray that all of us would be loving toward one another. The viewing is Thursday evening and the funeral is Friday morning.

in His love,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tracie just called. Our Grandpa may not make it through the night :(

Chapter 3 . . .

Wow! I can't even begin to say how much chapter 3 reverberated my own life and my own struggles. My life changed a year and a half ago when our obedient pastor hired Mark and I to lead worship at Living Word Church of the Bay Area. LWCBA has been a source of healing for Mark and I in our ministry. I love to volunteer and serve our precious Lord and Savior, but I felt as though we were constantly taking shots for all kinds of ridiculous things, and yes, I know that my perception was probably a bit off. Mark and I were both wounded due to our pasts and we needed to be loved and accepted as the imperfect servants we were. Anyway, our pastor, in his wisdom, has all of his leaders take a much longer version of this Gary Smalley personality test. Can I just say that every single word in my 28! page profile described me to a tee! It was a little creepy. I scored 100% otter . . . here is the description of the otter:

People who primarily reflect the "O" or "Otter" scale tend to be…
• Fun-loving and very verbal, they love groups, parties, and activity - and especially getting
to "Yak, Yak, Yak!"
• Otters like change and are fast-paced and spontaneous.
• They are usually creative and often "non-detail" oriented, which is why they start projects
at the latest possible time. When it comes to balancing the checkbook, they would prefer
to just switch banks!

I tell you this about myself because I want to explain the pain that being an otter has caused in many pivotal relationships in my past, especially with other women.

This is the phrase that set me free:
Crystal has a tendency to: • Be so enthusiastic that she can be seen as superficial.

That was the first sentence under my areas for improvement. So many friends have treated me exactly like that girl Beth talks about in chapter 3, the funny thing is that I have no idea how they could see me as someone who "has it all," especially when I used to feel like I was so very far from having it all. I'm pretty sure that I teared up when I read this part of my personality assessment. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people have accused me of being superficial. I remember telling someone once that I would apologize for who I was, but that I could never apologize for who I wasn't. The thing that scared me the most was that there were so many people who said this that I was clearly the common denominator. I prayed so hard that God would change me and that others would see my heart . . . until I read that sentence. I'm not exactly sure why it brought me so much freedom, but it did and I'm so thankful to Gary Smalley for coming up with such an amazing assessment.

I am now able to recognize this as part of my personality, part of the way God made me for the good things He intended me to do. There were a lot of positive things in that personality test, and it felt so good to recognize those attributes in myself. I was focused on the negative, and I ignored the positive. My prayer as we go through this journey is that we will recognize the positive attributes in ourselves, and maybe even begin to notice the negative attributes in those around us so that we can apply grace, love and forgiveness. i love you ladies and I very much look forward to next week!

in His love,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda . . .

Tracie just called and told me that they are putting my grandpa on hospice care, which makes me happy that his suffering will hopefully be short, but sad at the same time. Where did all of the years go? Why did I stop visiting as often as I used to? I could have and should have made more of an effort to play an active role in his life in the nursing home, but I didn't. I am thankful that my children know him and that he knows my children. I'm thankful that God brought Laura into my life and gave her the desire to encourage me to visit my grandparents. I am thankful that my Jesus is my grandpa's Savior. God is so good to us.

I sang at my friend's grandpa's funeral the day I found out that my grandpa had cancer, which was surreal. Funny enough, I'm sure that day prepared me for my own grandpa's funeral. Friday, I'm singing at the same friend's grandma's funeral, can you imagine dying within a week of your spouse of however many years? What a blessing.

I'm sorry for those of you who have lost loved ones, and I'm sorry for those of you who will lose loved ones, but always remember that God is in control. When you feel lost and alone, He is there for you, in the good times and the bad times. Thank you guys for being my friend. Thank you for allowing me to vent. Thank you for the wonderful fellowship the other night.

in His love,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thank You!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you ladies at bible study for sharing your deepest insecurities with me and for trusting me with them. I love you all and hope that our season together is LONG!

I pray you all ENOUGH...
Love in Christ,

Monday, October 4, 2010

OK, so yesterday I wrote out a long blog entry to you, then deleted it out of fear of your reaction...appropriate given our topic of study, LOL. I was just starting to read ch. 4 when it all hit me hard again, so here I am writing again!

ch 2, page 18, Beth writes: "...I realized that maybe I don't just doubt myself. Maybe I subconsciously doubt God for using me...I realized this morning that I not only lack security, I also lack faith. I don't just doubt myself, I also doubt God about myself. It was a revelation to me. Almost a horror. I wonder if you can relate."

I can relate. I've turned away from serving God several times because I knew I could not do it myself, and lacked faith in Him to help me with the task set before me!

OK, so next passage: ch 3, p. 42, Beth writes "Maybe this isn't a big revelation to you, but I am so thankful that at no time since I received Christ as Saviour have I ever been a total wreck. Partial? Lord have mercy, yes. Humiliatingly so. But total? Not on your ever-loving life."

I'm thinking here, actually, I have been a complete and total wreck a few times since the time I first received Jesus as Savior, then keep reading...

"And if He resides in you," she writes, "niether have you (Romans 8:9)."

Whoops - wait just a minute here. I beg to differ! Must look up Romans 8:9.

I did, and It made not a bit of sense to me, so I went back & started reading from the beginning of ch 8. (I'll let you read it for yourself.) By verse 5-6, I was thinking that I must have messed up so badly in my life that I completely pushed God out. He must must have given up on me, and I was no longer His child. Uh oh! But by verse 11, I realized that many times over God had rescued me from death of mind, spirit & body. God did not abandon me, even when I had tried to confine Him to a very small space within me, and mostly pushed Him away! Wow!!!

That is what I wrote so much about yesterday, after spending some time sobbing & thanking God for staying with me. Abandonment is a major insecurity of mine, but He did not abandon me, even at my worst. OK, so I'm sobbing all over again, just at the thought of it. He is so good!

Thanks for listening,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

God's Love Forgives

God showed me through His precious word that we don't need (and won't necessarily receive) human forgiveness, but that He forgives all of our sin. One of the verses He showed me this week:

The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those that fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.

-Psalm 103:8-14, NIV

Don't you just love David?! He had every reason for insecurities, yet he was strong in his faith that God would be faithful in His love, remember that we are mere dust, and forgive us all! Why do we worry about what people think of us, when it is God's opinion that ultimately matters?

I'm not saying at all that I am now immediately free from insecurities, or overnight in my sleep understood that to be true, but what a reassuring thing it is to realize that it is true!

(It occurs to me that in failing to "allow" God to forgive me for past sin, I once again put God in a box...and He once again showed me that He did not - would not - be contained in it...)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Luisa's Prayer . . .

I think that all of you will be blessed by this beautiful prayer written by Luisa. She sent it to me this morning; it was inspired by the book she told us about on Monday: Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To, written by Antony DeStefano

Dear Father God,
I know that You exist. May I continually be sensitive to Your presence in my life. Make me an instrument of Your love, grace, generosity, with purity of intention. Please take me through any situation in my life giving me courage, for You are my strength, and in Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Knowing that everything will work out for good, for your purpose to be accomplished in my life. Make me the forgiving person that You want me to be as I repent of my sins and receive Your forgiveness. Please restructure, rearrange, and rebuild my life so it fits perfectly in to Your perfect plan. May I be like clay in Your loving and powerful hands. I surrender all to You. Please give me the wisdom, the light filled grace, the inspirations of Your Spirit and the willingness to follow them continually, as You guide me to my destiny.

In Jesus' Name I pray,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Please pray for Lynn's 91 year old grandpa, Charles. He's in general good health, but they found a mass on his bowels so he was admitted into the hospital. Please also pray for Tiffani, she is trying to quit smoking.

in His love,

Monday, September 27, 2010

Chapter 2 ~

In usual Beth Moore style, she gets substantially deeper in chapter 2. Here are the tidbits that stood out the most to me:

Don't let your insecurity be substantial enough to: cheat you of the powerful life Jesus promised, hurt, limit or distract us from effectiveness or fulness of purpose. I was shocked to find out that 98% of women surveyed had an insecurity that they felt hurt them in some way or another, but I guess I shouldn't have been shocked. After all, I didn't ask y'all to tell me if you had insecurities or not last week, I asked y'all to disclose your biggest insecurity, and only 2 out of 11 seemed to lack a significant insecurity. I'm glad to have such a diverse group of women, and I'm especially glad that we have at least two examples where we can see secure women who know who they are in Christ. Interestingly enough, the two weren't born secure - it was through prayer (either by them or someone else), and faith in God that they were able to overcome insecurities.

It didn't surprise me that the devil has a tremendous amount to gain if we don't deal with our insecurities, but it did surprise me that having insecurities can be just like doubting God about ourselves. According to Ephesians 2:10, we were created to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do; If we're not good enough, then how could we possibly complete those good works?

After reading the definition of insecurity, I begin to think "cool, maybe I'm just sensitive and not at all insecure - after all . . . I'm not chronically anything!" Just about that time, Beth says "don't be too hasty to let yourself off the hook just because one dimension of the portrait doesn't look like you." Insecure women are a mix of confidence and self consciousness all rolled into one neat and tidy package. She also, quite conveniently I might add, gives us the definition of chronic and even though we've changed it to mean a very long time, the actual definition means a few days (yes, i've totally been insecure about more than one issue for more than a few days . . . guess I am chronic!)

Forms of insecurity that stood out to me:

Having someone upset at you being hard, even if you're on the right side of the conflict ( I personally struggle terribly with this - I cannot stand for someone to be mad at me. I would never intentionally hurt someone, and it burns me up inside to think that I might have, especially when there's no hope of resolution.)

Anxiousness for no reason

Harboring unrealistic expectations about love or relationships - wanting friends to suck it up and deal with their circumstances rather than whine about it to you, wanting husbands to respond exactly as we would if they were in our situation.

I'm not sure about y'all, but I too was caught up in the trap of thinking that because of my insecurities, I really don't suffer from pride very often (after all, I definitely realize where I'm not perfect and I know that God is King over my life and without Him, I am nothing). And then bam! she shows us how pride and self-centeredness play a major role in our insecurities. This one will have to grow on me again because less than 24 hours after reading and getting it, I'm right back to "seriously? How in the world is that possible?" LOL

I love how she shows us that we are blessed in some relationships and our unrealistic expectations just happen to be met, making us think that our expectations are in fact realistic. Sometimes we go for a long time with every relational need being met until something changes, maybe in our friend's or loved one's availability, and our world comes crashing down on us, causing us to freak out - sometimes without the person who let us down even knowing that they did anything wrong. Sometimes we expect things from people that they are in no way capable of giving, at least for any real amount of time, and this can cause severe pain for us. The funny thing is that in our minds, we aren't the one who changed, they are, and we begin to harbor all kinds of anger and resentment toward them. I personally believe that this is why we should go straight to someone if they have offended us. How will they know if we don't tell them? How will you know that they never intended to hurt you if they don't even know that you've been offended?

Chapter 2 ends like this: Insecurity: it's miserable, we don't need it, we don't want it, and we can live without it! "So what would happen if we quit being accomplices in our own misery?"

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to find out!!! =0) See ya tonight!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Prayer Request


Please keep Tina, Kevin, Samantha and the rest of their family in your prayers. We've been praying for Kevin's mother since she has been battling cancer. She passed away this morning. Samantha's birthday party was tonight at Chuck E. Cheese's so they are waiting until they get home to tell Samantha. Please pray that Samantha takes the news well; she and her grandmother were very close. Please also pray specifically for Kevin, I pray that this will bring him closer to God and ultimately result in his salvation. He is a really nice man, but he has never accepted Jesus. His mother was a Christian and he loves her dearly. Please pray that their friends would step up and be there for them. Kevin is going to tell his brother tomorrow so please pray that he receives the news well.

in His love,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

From Luisa . . .

Hi Crystal, I had asked for this information before, but I did not get it on time for Mondays Bible Class. I believe that God Has put in my heart the importance of being free from the offense trap, for it is the basis that holds us back from loving people unconditionally because of hurts from offense. And loving others is the great command that covers all the law. And also I think the more insecure we are the more easily offended we are, So it's all tied together to keep us from being and doing what God wants us to be and do. I pray to God that we are alert to this trap that can keep us from God's best plan for our lives, and also to keep us from being the offenders, that we may be sensitive to others peoples feeling, for it can happen with out even realizing it. That makes us understand that many times people don't even know they have hurt us. May God make us secure, strong, lovers of people, pleasing God with every word every action every though. In Jesus Name I pray.
Luisa Rodriguez

You can read the transcripts on Mary Welchel's website at: ChristianWorkingWomen.Org

Click on any of the titles in blue if you'd like to go to the website and get the handouts that went along with each radio broadcast.


They say there are two sides to every story when it comes to relationships and relationship struggles. We can sit in one of two seats, either in the seat of the offended or the seat of the offender.

I think you will agree that all of us have been in both of those seats; we have offended others, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, and we have certainly been offended. But neither place is a good place to be; a mature Christian who desires to grow up in Christ doesn't want to spend any time at all in either place-either as the offended or the offender.

Let's look first at the offender. Offending others can either be intentional or unintentional. What would cause us to intentionally try to hurt someone? The first thing that comes to my mind is that we strike back at someone who has hurt us. We've been hurt, so we hurt back. This comes in big ways and small ways. For example, someone may have said one sentence to you today that hurt your feelings, and before you know it, you reacted with a stinger of your own. That's an offensive response to a small offense. The thing is, that can easily escalate to a long-term, hurtful cycle of offenses that each person inflicts on the other.

There are many marriages, as well as other close relationships, that have been in a cycle like this for years, where one small offense generates another in return, and that has become the norm for that relationship-each person offends because she or he is offended, and on it goes. What is needed is for one person in that relationship to be willing to break that cycle. This is why Jesus said, 'If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles' (Matthew 5:39-41).

Jesus is not advocating that we become floor mats for people to run over, but he is saying that if you will be willing to break the cycle, to be the one who refuses to return an offense for an offense, you can stop this hurtful cycle and you can find healing in the relationship. But someone has to decide to get out of the seat of the offender and not return evil for evil.

If you are in the offender's seat, I want to encourage you to decide to get out of it right now. It's really a miserable place to be.


It is often true that when we do offend someone, it is unintentional. We don’t stop to realize how words and attitudes and body language and facial expressions—and all kinds of little things—can become offensive. We truly underestimate how easily we can cause hurt. Aren’t you usually shocked when you find out that someone is offended with something you said or did?

I was shocked some time ago when a person I counted as a good friend began to strike out at me, to say hurtful things to me. I just couldn’t figure out why she would do that; I had no idea that she had been offended by me. I certainly never intended to offend her. But as we began to talk and I listened between her lines, I realized that through carelessness and lack of appreciation on my part and lack of paying her some attention, she was carrying around a hurt spirit toward me, and that displayed itself in hurtful ways.

I had been sitting in the seat of the offender, and I was truly sorry to realize it. With some very small and simple changes on my part, the problem went away immediately and there was complete healing in the relationship.

We can cause hurt and offense much more easily than we ever realize. We assume that because we don’t intend to offend, then we haven’t offended. But that is just not the way it is. So, how do we know when we’ve offended someone unintentionally?

Well, the first thing is to pray that God will make you sensitive so that you are more aware of when you are sitting in the seat of the offender. Then watch your words. Most offense is caused by carelessly chosen words, so pray much that God will guard your words and make them words of life, not death.

When you see a change in a relationship—a change for the worse—don’t just let it go on that way. Find out why; be willing to make the first step toward repairing the relationship. Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” So, make the first move to find out what’s wrong, and if you need to, apologize and get yourself out of that seat of the offender.


How can you break a cycle of hurt in a relationship? How do we get ourselves out of the offender’s seat and keep ourselves from getting into it?

Romans 12:10 tells us to: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” If we honestly tried to honor others above ourselves, that would keep us out of the seat of the offender, don’t you think? Honor is placing high value on someone or something. It means treating them as though they are very valuable.

Treating someone with honor means you say nice things to them; you give them first choice; you find out what they want and try to meet their needs. Just think of how we typically behave toward someone we honor or value or hold in high esteem. We listen to what they have to say; we treat them with respect; we are kind and considerate of them.

Another translation of Roman 12:10 says we are to outdo each other in showing honor. Notice that it doesn’t say treat others with honor if they deserve it—if they are honorable. No, we are to treat others with honor regardless—unconditional honor, if you please. If there is a relationship in your life that is strife-ridden, a person you truly have trouble getting along with, have you ever tried treating them with honor?

Maybe you’re thinking that you can’t do that if they don’t deserve it because that would be hypocritical—or because they don’t treat you with honor. But think about how God treats us with honor, with mercy and grace and love, even though we don’t deserve it. Shouldn’t that motivate us to want to give to others what God has extended to us—to bend the blessing back? And remember the principle of sowing and reaping; if you need honor, sow honor. If you need respect, sow respect. You reap what you sow.

The seat of the offender is an ugly place to be; treating someone with honor gets you out of that seat immediately.


Quite honestly, most of us spend way too much time sitting in the offended seat, because we allow our feelings to be hurt so easily and we start throwing pity parties, so we get stuck in that seat. Maybe you’re thinking that someone else has the responsibility to get you out of that seat. You’re thinking that the person who hurt you, who offended you, should now come and do whatever is necessary to get you out of there.

But please clearly: There is nothing that anyone can do in the seat of the offender to get you out of the seat of the offended. If you are in the offended seat, it is because you are choosing to sit there. In fact, there are people in the seat of the offended who enjoy being there. They enjoy being a victim. After all, as long as you’re in the seat of the offended, you don’t have to take responsibility for anything you did in the seat of the offender. You can just keep shifting blame and having your pity parties—and spend your life in the offended seat.

I have to tell you that when you choose to keep sitting in the seat of the offended, it turns you into someone who is sour, unattractive, self-consumed and dishonoring to Christ. Now, I know that some of you have been hurt very deeply; the offense against you is deep and ingrained. Even so, God wants to deliver you from being the offended person, carrying that burden around with you all the time, wearing that chip on your shoulder. But you must be willing to give it up.

What does God say we should do when we’ve been offended?

Romans 12:14: Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

We are to bless them, not slander them. Regardless of what they did to you, it pales in comparison to what your sin—and mine—did to the Son of God. Do you remember Jesus’ words on the cross—Father, forgive them? He blessed those who persecuted him. He gave us the model for how we are to treat those who hurt us.

Have you blessed people in the offender seat of your life? I mean literally prayed a blessing on them—asked God to bless them. That’s one way to get you out of the offended seat.


Forgiveness is the way Jesus taught us to deal with those who offend us. But it’s not easy, is it? It’s not easy to forgive someone who has hurt us and has not even acknowledged that hurt, much less asked for forgiveness.

Remember that forgiving someone who doesn’t deserve our forgiveness simply means that we give up our right for revenge, and we turn them over to God, because vengeance belongs to God and he will repay. They will not get off scot-free. God will do what is right and just; you can count on it. I can’t tell you when, but I can assure you that someday every wrong will be made right.

If you’re unwilling to forgive those who have offended you, it is probably because of pride. That’s because when we’re hurt, we can start to elevate ourselves and think that we deserve to be treated with respect, and it’s wrong for others to offend us. Do you recognize the pride in that kind of thinking? It’s stinkin’ thinkin’!

I remember the story of a saint of old who was falsely accused in the newspaper of all kinds of wrongs. When he read it, his response was, “But they don’t know the half.” Instead of defending himself, he didn’t allow pride to cause him to get into the seat of the offended. You see, it’s hard to offend a truly humble person.

What do you do to get out of the seat of the offended? Romans 12:20 says: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” What does it mean to heap burning coals on his head? That is a quote from Proverbs 25, and the idea is that the burning coals do not damage them. They melt their hearts as metal can be melted by hot coals. Their hard-heartedness, stubbornness, their offensiveness will be melted by the generosity and compassion you show them by not returning evil for evil, but instead returning good for evil.

I ask you to examine yourself and see if you are sitting in the seat of the offender or the offended. You really don’t want to be in either one. You can be set free the very day you decide that you’re really tired of being offended, and you don’t want to offend others anymore.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 1 . . .

Well, if Beth can deliver on her promise to help us overcome our insecurity, I'm super excited! I was looking over some of the previous blog comments and I saw one from myself talking about insecurity in May so I know I need this. My prayer is that each of us will learn how to overcome our insecurities, but more importantly than that; I pray that we will apply that knowledge!

Here's what stood out to me in chapter 1:
Insecurity: cripples us, makes fools out of us, makes us miserable, makes us feel worthless and is a form of self-sabotage. The first step to curing insecurity is understanding it. She also warns us that our insecurities won't go away quietly; we will have to scream the truth louder than the lies. I love that she talks about things that each of us have and/or will struggle with. Beth brought up a point that I think of all too often: "what more could I want?" I feel as though God has been so amazing to me, I have a wonderful family, a great church and all of the physical security in this world . . . so how does that make me feel? INSECURE about being insecure LOL . . . it's such a vicious cycle for me. She mentions that she dislikes how she is sometimes "needy and hysterical" - I'm not sure that I personally get hysterical over an issue, but I can easily be placed in the needy category. I'm so encouraged that she mentions falling into the same traps over and over again because I do just that . . . It's like that song the good news club students sing "i get down, He lifts me up. I get down, He lifts me up. I get down . . .

My prayer is that we will remember this journey - I'm actually taking notes as I read this book - that seems so lame, but I would so have been that disciple whom Jesus had to ask "are you still so dull?" =0)

I love you ladies and I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday - feel free to make your own observations as you read.

in His love,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Today I met Frank . . .

I met a man named Frank today who was driving his mobility scooter on 646. It was raining so hard that the windshield wipers on high didn't seem to help with visibility. Just thinking of the number of cars that drove past him, makes me sick. How in the world do we ignore those of us who need our help? I'm not judging anyone, I just don't understand how we got here. Even I sometimes ignore those in need because I'm afraid that the situation isn't safe . . . I mean what if they're scammers? What if this . . . What if that . . . My daughter pointed out that we've always been this way - remember the story of the good samaritan? Back then you actually had to WALK past someone if you chose to ignore them. At least the people who ignored Frank had cars and they only had to look at him for a few seconds. Frank was visibly disabled from the waste down and he was wearing a tank top and shorts - no jacket, no hat, no umbrella . . . nothing at all to protect him from the elements. I did a u-turn and I asked Frank if there were anything I could do to help him. I'm 4'11" so unfortunately, lifting him into my vehicle wasn't an option for me. The fact that I couldn't have physically helped him didn't matter to Frank as he was firm in his decision to not leave his scooter. He did ask for a raincoat. I told him that I didn't have one, but I was just a few minutes away from home and I promised him that I would return, even if I could only find a trash bag! He smiled - so grateful for a raincoat. I can only imagine the pity party that would have been happening in my head if I were in his situation.

I went home and found him a rain proof jacket and a hat. When I returned, a worker from the City of League City stopped to help. He actually asked me what I thought we could do. All I knew to do was pray. I prayed that God would somehow help us. Frank and I were literally being drenched by the rain as we tried to dress him in the rain coat and hat. Almost before my prayer was finished, another worker pulled up and he knew Frank. Unfortunately, Frank's mind was not up to par and his intended destination didn't exist. He told me wild stories of how he has been saving every dime since the age of 14. He was on his way to withdraw his money from the "American bank" so that he could fly to Missouri to see his mother. Although many of his stories were clearly confused, he did notice that our behavior was out of the ordinary. He asked me if we were Christians and I told him that I was a Christian. The smile that came across his face was amazing. He said that even though his body keeps failing him, he believes that God isn't through with him yet. Eventually, we reached Frank's son - he called the police earlier to tell them that his father was missing. The three of us were able to lift Frank into one of the trucks. We assured Frank that his scooter would be safe in the back. Happy, content and peaceful, Frank said thank you and goodbye.

When I got back into my car, I burst into tears. I'm not exactly sure why. It felt so amazing to help another person. It felt great to work with strangers to solve a problem, but at the same time, my heart broke for Frank, for his loss of mobility and his loss of lucidity. I was; however, so happy that Frank had not lost touch with his Savior. He was such a happy man - all he asked for was a rain jacket, he was happy to have the use of his upper body and a scooter to get him from place to place. He was so humble as we helped him into the car, not a bit of pride or embarrassment. If only, I had such security in life.

Today I met Frank, and my life will forever be changed . . . I pray.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prayer Request:

Please pray for my step-mother, Cheryl, and her family. Her father, Bobby, had a cat scan and they are supposed to get the results tomorrow. Bobby has cancer and they are praying that the cat scan shows that his tumor is responding to his treatments and is smaller in size. Bobby has finally regained his appetite and gained back 8 pounds; therefore, they are very hopeful for a positive result. Bobby's wife has been very stressed since they did the cat scan; please pray for peace for this sweet family. Cheryl is a police officer for Galveston PD, she is the one we prayed for a few months ago when her twin brother died. On a side note, one of Cheryl's officer friends lost his brother and his uncle last week - please pray for peace for his family. Love you ladies and see you tomorrow. Thank you so much for your sweet prayers =0)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Please pray for my friend's son. He has Aspergers and he disappeared from school for an hour because he was upset. They found him, but please pray that his issues with school can be resolved.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yay!!! I ordered the books last night :). I can't wait to start this journey with you!
Prayer request from Ruby: John and I have bad colds. Pray for quick healing,we want to be ready for Sunday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Please pray for my cousin, Kaylee, she was admitted to the hospital due to high blood pressure. Her baby is due at the end of oct.

Prayer Request:

Prayer request from Tina: Kevin (my husband) had to take his mom back to the ER early this morning. She is still there as of right now. She has stage 4 cancer in several areas of the body and has been given approx. 6 months if she doesn't take the treatment. Please keep her and the family in your prayers.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm so excited!

Tonight's conversation has me so excited for the future of our study! I can't wait to start reading the new book with you guys. I am looking forward to seeing the growth in each and every one of us! Jennifer Rothchild's outlook on life is truly amazing. I pray that each of us will also be able to say that it is well with our soul even if our circumstances aren't ideal.

Here are the preyer requests:

Please pray that Jacqueline would get relief from her migraine.

Please pray for Lynn's co-worker, Robin, and her relationship with her daughter. Please also keep Lynn's daughter, Tiffany, and her marriage in your prayers.

Please pray for Tracie's sister-in-law, Nikki, as she is in labor as we speak. Pray for a great delivery.

Please pray for my cousin, Kaylee, she is pregnant and her baby is due at the end of October. She is having blood pressure issues and is now on bed rest.

Please pray for Trent and Laura and their relationship with their sons.

Please pray that God work supernaturally in the situation involving Michelle, her husband, her daughter and her son-in-law. Pray that God tear down the prideful lines and mend the relationship.

See you guys next week! I'm going to order "So Long Insecurity, You've Been a Bad Friend" tomorrow night so if you haven't ask me to order one for you, please do so soon =0)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I missed you guys yesterday!

It was really nice to have some family time last night, but I definitely missed you all. I am growing more and more excited about reading our next book together. God continues to send me confirmations that we are on the right track, and that is so exciting! You guys know me and you know that it's so difficult for me to KNOW the path that God has planned for my life and the things in my life, like this bible study LOL so anytime our Father can verify that we are on the right track makes me quite happy =0)

I pray that all of you are doing well and I'm so excited for those of you online who have joined us for our next journey! God has amazed me with how He has shaped this bible study. Each of us are so different, but we share a love for our Father, and that will forever bind us together.

i love you and I'll see you soon!

in His love,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Next study :)

Well ladies, I have prayed for so long that God would reveal His plan for what our group would do next and I firmly believe that He revealed that! On September 20th, we will begin our next study. We'll be reading "So Long Insecurity, You've Been a Bad Friend".

It never fails to amaze me when a woman whom I consider to be absolutely beautiful will admit that she honestly feels as though she is ugly, fat or even "disgusting". I personally get caught up in this all too often. Our Father created us in His image and I know how I would feel if my daughter thought of herself, even for a second, as ugly or in some way inferior.

Please pray that God would lead those of us who need to be secure in who we are to this study. Pray that we will continue to be an authentic, inter-denominational group of women who love, trust, encourage and support one another, regardless of our differences. Thank you so much for being who you are and for getting real. Thank you for loving those who are different than yourself. I am truly honored to be part of such an amazing group of women.

If you have anyone who may be interested in joining us, feel free to have them call me or email me with any questions. I'm so looking forward to seeing what God has planned in, through and around us. Thank you, Lord Jesus for this wonderful group of ladies.

See you next week for some fun and a little preview of the book.

in His love,

Monday, August 30, 2010

Bible Study Fun

Hello ladies! We had such a fun time of fellowship and laughter tonight. Thank you, April for letting us use your Anita Renfroe Big Ol Ice Tea DVD. We will not be having bible study next week. I pray that you have a good week, and I'll see you on the 13th (let me know if you want to sign up for the main entree, a side or desert). Please feel free to email, call, text or post your prayer requests this week. I love you all and I'm so thankful for your involvement in this ministry. I'll leave you with the prayer from our last session of Breaking Free:

Dear Sister,
Yesterday is behind you. A new day has come. Christ has set you free. It’s time for you to accept that you are forgiven and blessed. When you feel bad let him preach you some good news. When your heart breaks, let him bind it up and heal it. When fires come, let him give you beauty for ashes. Walk with Christ just one day at a time and he will make you someone you never dreamed you could be. Stay in the word. Do what it says. Do not give up. Do not give in. You have the indwelling power of Christ. Girlfriend, you can do this. Now unto Him who can keep your feet from falling and present you blameless before God with dancing and leaping joy, be glory and majesty power and authority forever and ever amen.

in His love,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Prayer Requests

Hey ladies! What an amazing study this has been. I pray that those of you who were not able to do the homework will be able to take time in the future to catch up, you will not regret it =0)

Here are the prayer requests for the week:

Kim - for her colleagues at work to have peace about their jobs and gain clarity for direction, and for her husband as he starts a new job on Monday.

Crystal - please pray for my sister as she is back on drugs again. I have so much hope now that I know that God was able to reach her once. I know that He can do it again, I pray that He does whatever He needs to so that she will direct her attention once again to Him. Please pray for the teachers as they go back to school - pray that the will be proactive and sensitive to their "problem" children's issues. Please pray for Mark and I as we start our new business.

Luisa - for her mother, Eva to learn to receive the love that is given to her. Luisa believes that her mother's low self esteem is the root of this issue.

Laura - please pray for her father's health and for her friend who accidentally chopped off her pinky.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you next week. We will be gathering for a time of fellowship, prayer and connection =0)

in His love,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Prayer requests August 9, 2010

What a great bible study session tonight! Here's Beth's perspective: God says that we love because He loved us; therefore, He is the initiator of love. There is never a time when we are thinking about how much we love God that He hasn't just expressed His love for us. Our response should be I love you too, God. Amen! It's incomprehensible to me that our God loves us as much as He does while we are yet sinners. God is so good. I am so thankful for His grace and mercy, and for the freedom to love Him. Here are the prayer requests for the week:

Please pray for Tanvir's mom; she was robbed in a home invasion last Monday at 5am. The robber woke her up and made her go though the house with him, giving him her valuables. The stress of the situation caused her to have a heart attack and she had to have two stints put in her heart. She came home from the hospital Saturday, but she is having trouble sleeping. Please pray for physical and emotional healing and also that she is able to experience peace during this time.

Please pray for Connie's grandson, Collin. He has just returned from spending the summer with his mother and he is having some disciplinary issues.

Please pray for Kim as she was not feeling well this evening.

Please pray for my sister, Tanya, and her son (my nephew), Nickolas; Tanya was amazing for about a week, but then she disappeared and neither of us has seen her. She has called him once or twice, but I know that he misses her terribly. Please pray for God to send people to minister to Tanya. I am still certain that she was a different person the day I talked to her, but I think that the enemy wants nothing more than for her to go back to her old ways. Please pray that she is strengthened and able to stand up under her temptations.

Please pray for all of the children, parents and teachers as they prepare to head back to their school routines.

Thank you ladies! It is a pleasure to study God's word with you. See you next week!

in His love,

p.s. anyone want to bring snacks? =0)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bible study =0)

8 people called, emailed or sent me a text to say that they couldn't make it to study, so the few of us who were there decided that we should wait until next week to show the session so that everyone didn't get behind. I've prayed for those of you who are sick and needed rest, and I look forward to seeing you next week. Please take advantage of this week to get ahead, spend some special time with the Lord, or catch up. This is a great study and I think the enemy wants nothing more than to deter us from breaking free from our strongholds.

I pray for all of you and I feel blessed to have each of you as part of our group. May the Lord's face shine upon you this week.

in His love,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prayer Requests for July 12, 2010

Wow, ladies! What an amazing bible study last night. I really enjoyed connecting and praying with you. I am so glad that God has brought each of you to this bible study. We missed those of you who could not be with us, please let me know if you have any prayer requests. Here are the requests from last night:

Kim - please pray for her friend, Nancy. Nancy's husband passed away last week. Please keep her and their family in your prayers.

Janet - please pray for her husband, Rick and for his heart to be softened. Pray for God's will in their relationship. Please pray that God would reveal Janet's role in their restoration.

Janet asked last night that we pray whenever we think about her situation. I think that's a great idea and I pray that each of you will be mindful of each other throughout the week and pray for eachother. Pray that we will make the time to do our bible study, pray that we will allow God's word to change us. Pray that we will continue to grow closer together as a group.

I have a huge praise report! God says that the ancient ruins long ago devastated can be rebuilt and He showed me an amazing example of this just a few minutes ago! I felt as though my prayer request for my sister was a bit long so I took out the part where I told you that I am actually the one who turned her in to the police and had her arrested (at least I think I left it out LOL). My sister is/was vengeful, angry and had an incredible knack for holding grudges. I was pretty sure that she would not be happy with me when she found out that I was the one who initiated the entire process. I got a phone call from her this morning and she has been released on a plea bargain. She will have two years of deferred probation and she is required to go into a drug rehab program. The best part is that she is a changed person. I have never been able to trust her, but I'm telling you that something was different. She started out by apologizing to me, mark and the children for everything she has done to us and for the pain we had to endure while SHE was in jail! She said that she wanted to start over and that she understood that it would be a long process. I told her that it didn't need to be a process at all and that as far as I was concerned she was completely forgiven and we could start over immediately. I invited her to our group and also to church. I pray that she will come. Please pray for her support system. Pray that she will not turn back and that she will continue to cling to God like she did when she was in jail.

Thank you ladies! I love you so much!

in His love,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Prayer Request July 7, 2010

Please pray for my sister, Tanya, and our family. She was arrested today. My prayer is that no one in our family will give her money to get out of jail so that maybe she can get the help she needs. I'm of course praying for God's will in this matter. She has been addicted to vicodine for at least a year and has recently added new drugs. She had a warrant out for her arrest for stealing 6 of a family members rings, one of which was her wedding ring =(. She has done terrible things for drugs and I pray that she feels God's mercy, grace and forgiveness during this time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Prayer Requests for July 5, 2010

Hello ladies! We had a great bible study last night. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing group of women our home each week. God has been so sweet to design this bible study exactly like He wanted. He has brought the people and He continues to prove himself faithful. I pray that each of you are dealing with your past and that it is as gentle as it possibly can be on you. I have already made it through this journey once, and yet again there are still things that I need to Break Free from. Thank you for the time and effort you put into everything you do. I pray that you will have an abundance of time so that you will be able to complete your study this week. We missed those of you who were still out of town, and I know that I look forward to next Monday.

in His love,

Here are the prayer requests for the week:

Connie - please pray that my teeth turn out ok for next Tuesday. Please pray for Alexis to be alright through Keith's & Sonja's break up, and please pray that our house would sell soon.

Lynn - please pray for the Juarez family. Pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort them during their time of loss. Please pray for favor over my family. Pray for my mother to have peach and also for Sammie Juarez, the boy who died.

Janet - Please pray for my friend, Stephanie Barnes. She has had cancer for awhile; believes, and has been given many, many words that God is going to heal her. She is in the hospital now; pray for her mental and physical strength, pray for her husband's strength, and pray for her 6 children.

Crystal - please remember my friend, 18 year old Jonathan O'Malley, who has been battling cancer for the last two years. He is currently in the ICU with some intestinal issues. Please pray that he is healed from this issue soon. He had a bone marrow transplant in February, but has been battling various other issues that come from the weak immune system. Please also pray for my sister and her drug addiction.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Prayer Requests for June 28, 2010

Good morning, ladies! It was great to have each of you at bible study last night. I am so looking forward to continuing on this journey with you. Here are the prayer requests from last night =0)

Lynn's niece, Patty, has a drug problem, and her family is in denial. Please also lift up an unspoken prayer request for Lynn's husband, Brooke.

Crystal - my sister, Tanya, is addicted to vicodine, please pray that my family would seek the help she desperately needs.

Please pray for Janet's cousins as they deal with the loss of their sweet baby.

Connie - please pray for her son-in-law's brother's drug problem. He is the only care provider for his 10 year old daughter, Alexis, who lost her mom last year. Please also pray for Sonja, Keith's wife, she recently left and took their newborn daughter because of his drug problem. Please pray for her son-in-law, Kevin, and his salvation. Please also pray that God's will be done with the selling of their house.

Please pray for Laura's anxieties as she prepares to visit family in Missouri. Please pray that God would give her peace in her family struggles while on vacation.

Luisa - please pray for the food issues that she and her son share. Please also pray for her sister and her faith in God.

Please pray for Ashley's pregnancy. Please pray that the pregnancy and delivery are uncomplicated, and that she has a happy, healthy baby. Please pray that her family will ask God into their lives, and please pray for her husband. Pray that God will give him strength against his weaknesses.

in His love,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Prayer Requests for June 21, 2010

Hello ladies! I must say that it was so good to be back together again. We missed those of you who could not come. As a reminder, you can come at 5:30 next week if you'd like to watch video session 4 =0)

Here are the prayer requests:

Jacqueline ~ "Thank you for your prayers my sisters. God is in control. He orchestrates all to perfection. Please pray that the Holy Spirit gives me the words that need to be heard as I speak this Saturday. Sisters prayerfully consider attending the walk to Emmaus on August 26-29, 2010. Pray for Richard Dupont's salvation. He is on his death bed and he doesn't know Christ. Richard is my dear friend, Annabelle's father. He is French and he lives in France. Annabelle has received Christ as her Savior."

Luisa ~ "Please pray that God reveals His plan for my family (mother, brothers and sisters), and also for my own family that we go deeper in God's word and in His revelation."

Karee ~ "My family is going through a rough patch. Melanie is still struggling with finding her place and we are having a hard time reaching her. Kristyn has joined us and is working on adjusting. Matthew, oh my Matthew, please pray that God wins these daily battles. Please pray for Sharon to keep on the right path. Scott and I are in a rough patch, but please pray we get through stronger not weaker. Thanks, Karee"

Crystal - please continue praying for the ladies as we grow closer together. Pray that we will form bonds that are Christ centered and that we create a safe and loving environment for sharing. Please pray that God will continue working in the heart of His people. Pray that we will be united despite our differences and that the entire body of Christ will start working together to spread His glory.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all that You have done and all that you will do.

Ladies, I look forward to seeing you next week. As always, please remember to call, email, blog or text if you need anything =0)

in His love,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prayers needed

I have missed yall. I can't wait for next week.

But we need your prayers. Please pray for my family. We have several things we need prayer help with. Some of them being my Daughter Melanie, still needs guidance. She is torn between her mother and my husband and I. She is 14 and still trying to figure out her place in this world. We need help in guiding her to that place so she can be at peace and know how much she is loved. It often feels like we take 1 step forward and 25 back.

My other stepdaughter Kristyn 10 came to live with us this week. She needs help in just knowing that she is also wanted here and loved.

The rest of us just need prayer we can all adjust.

I need them to know that I am doing the right things for our family. Financially, with their schooling, leading them, etc. I do lose my temper more than I want and need help in handling the stress of it all better. I don't want my family to doubt my want or love for them.

This is one of those times that it is hard for me to ask for these, as they do seem incidental to others that are in need. But as I have shared with some of you, I know God is there for me, but I just don't get "that feeling" that so many describe. I try to keep my heart open to hear Him, but just don't feel that I do most of the time. While I do pray and try to leave everything up to him, that is very had for me and I feel like I don't hear or know what He is wanting me to do.

Anyway, Please just keep my family in your prayers as we go through yet another adjustment.
See you on Monday

Thursday, June 10, 2010


To My precious sisters in Christ, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers. God does answer prayers. No matter how grim the circumstances may seem,

I remember this:

1) God is who He says He is!

2) God can do what He says He can do!

3) I am who God says I am!

4) I can do all things through Christ!

5) God’s Word is alive and active in me!


Michael has returned home. Remember weeks ago when I said that God was directing me to be submissive?

This was my wake up call…as hard as it is. I’ve never had a problem humbling myself or being the first to say I’m sorry; however, being submissive and having anger are two of my weaknesses as I shared with you a few weeks ago. Michael agreed to come home and keep his commitment we made to host our small group. He said he would decide after that if he would stay. Regardless of our disagreements, we’ve always been able to come together in prayer; this time spiritual warfare set in causing him to have a hardened heart; resisting prayer and not accepting any apologies; causing me to have anger outbursts and say things I would never say.


I called our pastor which also happens to be our small group facilitator for guidance. We did host our small group from church last night.

Prayers are answered because not only did Michael return home, his heart was no longer hard. He prayed with me. We had our group. Met with our pastor afterwards and agreed to meet with our Pastor again today at 4:30.

Thank you again for your prayers and phone calls.

I love you!!


From: Jacqueline S Norman Fuentes []
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:24 PM
To: ''


Please pray for Michael & I. He has left me.

We are supposed to start hosting our small group tomorrow at our home.

Satan is attacking us right and left.

He is young in Christ and doesn’t understand spiritual warfare.


We both blew up at each other and said some things that shouldn’t have been said.

I said something very very mean and hateful but he won’t let me apologize for it.


Please pray that God melts his heart.

No matter what the situation has been we have been able to come together in prayer.

I know it is spiritual warfare because he refuses to pray with me or accept any apology.


Thank you for your prayers.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Please pray for Michael & I. He has left me.

We are supposed to start hosting our small group tomorrow at our home.

Satan is attacking us right and left.

He is young in Christ and doesn’t understand spiritual warfare.


We both blew up at each other and said some things that shouldn’t have been said.

I said something very very mean and hateful but he won’t let me apologize for it.


Please pray that God melts his heart.

No matter what the situation has been we have been able to come together in prayer.

I know it is spiritual warfare because he refuses to pray with me or accept any apology.


Thank you for your prayers.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

I missed you guys!!!

I don't know about y'all, but I really missed bible study on Memorial Day! Remember to get started on week 3's homework so that you're not behind =0)

See you soon!

in His love,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Prayer Requests for May 24, 2010

Howdy, ladies! We had another really great bible study and I am continually blessed by your presence in my home. Here are the prayer requests for the week.

Please remember Ruby in your prayers, her body has been physically exhausted and she was too tired to come to bible study. I am adding the next few, she did not request them LOL. Pray that their house would sell quickly and that Megan's wedding would continue to go smoothly. Please also pray that all would go well with Jonathan's graduation.

Please pray that Kim's daughter, Katie will find a job.

Please pray for my step-mother, Cheryl. Her twin brother died last week of a heart attack and she has been trying to sort out his affairs. it has been very disturbing for her as she has seen issues that her brother never discussed with the family. She has asked for prayer for strength as she works out all of the details and copes with realizing that she didn't know her twin brother at all.

Please pray that each of us would stay in God's word this week so that we may have weapons to use against our enemy =0)

in His love,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Breaking Free, Week 2, Day 4

Wow, ladies!!! I just finished day four and I can barely contain myself! God showed me such a fresh perspective on Isaiah 48:18. Yes, God promises us peace like a river if we trust Him, keep our minds steadfast, seek righteousness, walk uprightly, and recognize Jesus' authority in our lives (to name a few)! Funny enough, I've always pictured a peaceful lake without even realizing it! A river has twists, turns, boulders, pebbles, obstacles, low points, high points, rapids and plunges! A river can move slowly or swiftly. A river can be warm or cold. A river responds to the changes happening in and around it, but it usually moves on, continually flowing toward its destination. God is promising us peace in our ever changing environment. What an amazing God we serve. I am so grateful that His word is living and active. I love reading a verse for the 50th time and getting a never before seen perspective. God is so good. I hope that the next time you need His peace, that you realize that you already have it, all you need to do is put it to good use! See you tomorrow! =0)

in His love,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Prayer Requests for May 17, 2010

Wow, ladies! I am having such a great time studying God's word with you. I am so thankful for each and every one of the perspectives you bring. I cannot believe that we actually finished with the video at 8:30 . . . yay! That will be a huge bonus for mommy's who need to get their children into bed at a decent hour. Let's try and keep the 6:30 start time going so that we can have more time to spend reflecting on our homework =0)

Here are the prayer requests:

April - praise - she is still emotionally well! God is so good!
prayer - for the ongoing issues that she is having with her teeth and gums. She is returning to the oral surgeon tomorrow and she needs God's guidance and healing.

Megan - God's provision for Lee and her and their trust in God always for provision
- continual spiritual relationship growth
- for a former youth pastor and friend's safe travels back to the USA
- that friends and co-workers at Starbucks and co-workers at Memorial Hermann would come to know Christ as their Savior

Ruby - health - her body feels exhausted
- that her friend, Tina, would desire more of God in her life
- For Ms. Susie - healing of melanoma in her arm

Laura - for continued healing from surgery for her father, John Hall, Sr.

Crystal - that Mark and I would truly commit our financial future to the Lord. I feel that He has been telling me that we will be able to make a living in the stock market, but it has proven to be quite difficult. I am believing God and we are committing our intra-day trading abilities to Him - giving Him all glory and praise and believing that it will prosper just as His word says it will.

Janet - "i am believing God (I'm sure you can ALL relate after having done that one!) for a restoration in my marriage. We are divorced, but I believe that I have been given a specific word by God that it's His "plan and purpose" to restore our marriage, not to what it was, but to something completely different. We were given a word of prophesy; my ex-husband says the guy "just missed it" , but I believe what was spoken is SPOT ON! I am standing on the Word, trying not to waver, but it's hard...I won't deny that. Just please pray for a heart change in Rik. pray that God will soften his heart, and that he (Rik) will become pliable in the hands of God. Pray that God will meet Rik where he's at; draw him back to the Lord, and to his family. Also, pray for him to have the heart of a father....that he would begin to miss his family and desire his children. Pray according to Hosea 2:6-7 that all other relationships will end before they start and that he will realize that his life with me was better than his life now. Ask God to build a hedge of thorns around Rik so that any relationships that he seeks outside of our reconciliation will fail.

This is the deepest, most intimate desire of my heart. Please tell my sisters that I COVET their prayers toward this matter. Great glory for God is at stake. If not, the devil wouldn't be fighting this so hard!!!!!!! That's going to make it all the more sweet when the victory is manifested in the natural!"

Monday night bible study - that we will all have and take advantage of the necessary time to complete our daily homework.

See you guys next week! I can't wait =0)

in His love,

Thursday, May 13, 2010



Thank you for your prayers!!

Not only is Logan up & walking, he has started back to school. God is good!


Just now, I received a phone call from Michael. He met with his oncologist and just left the chapel at MD Anderson, giving thanks and praise to God our Father!!

The clinical trial is working!!! His tumor has reduced by 49% only 1% from being officially in remission!!

PRAISE GOD!! He will be continuing on another 30 day round of treatment. The doctor that is the head of the trial at MD Anderson is traveling to Barcelona, Spain to provide and update to the public and medical community.






Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breaking Free Week 1

Hey there, ladies! I hope that you have had some time to start your homework. I am so amazed at how Beth can take old testament scripture and apply it to our personal lives. I'm really excited to be on this journey with all of you. ! Thank you so much for your prayers and for your support. I can't wait until Monday!

in His love,