Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prayer Request:

Please pray for my step-mother, Cheryl, and her family. Her father, Bobby, had a cat scan and they are supposed to get the results tomorrow. Bobby has cancer and they are praying that the cat scan shows that his tumor is responding to his treatments and is smaller in size. Bobby has finally regained his appetite and gained back 8 pounds; therefore, they are very hopeful for a positive result. Bobby's wife has been very stressed since they did the cat scan; please pray for peace for this sweet family. Cheryl is a police officer for Galveston PD, she is the one we prayed for a few months ago when her twin brother died. On a side note, one of Cheryl's officer friends lost his brother and his uncle last week - please pray for peace for his family. Love you ladies and see you tomorrow. Thank you so much for your sweet prayers =0)

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Hey ladies,
This is Cheryl. Thanks for all your prayers.
Dad's cat scan did not show what we had hoped and in fact the tumor has gotten bigger. Dad is going to start a new series of chemo based in his DNA. Don't understand it but the formula is unique to his DNA makeup. This series will consist of 2 pills in morning and 2 pills in evening with the liquid drip chemo once a week. Mood is down some today as would be expected and appetite off today. Hopefully the appetite returns as he cannot afford to lose anymore weight. Lost 23 but gained 8 back. Taking a toll on Mom and she in concerned. They have been married 46 years. Don't need to say more--am sure you all know where I am going with that. Dad has been battling cancer since early part of last year. This is his 4th type of cancer and he started the chemo routine in May if this year just after my brother Michael passed away.
My offucer friend is doing pretty well. I attended the funeral today for his uncle for support for him and then I went to an officer's funeral who was a friend of mine. Was a retired officer. Rather rough day but made it through. Tomorrow is a new day.