Monday, August 30, 2010

Bible Study Fun

Hello ladies! We had such a fun time of fellowship and laughter tonight. Thank you, April for letting us use your Anita Renfroe Big Ol Ice Tea DVD. We will not be having bible study next week. I pray that you have a good week, and I'll see you on the 13th (let me know if you want to sign up for the main entree, a side or desert). Please feel free to email, call, text or post your prayer requests this week. I love you all and I'm so thankful for your involvement in this ministry. I'll leave you with the prayer from our last session of Breaking Free:

Dear Sister,
Yesterday is behind you. A new day has come. Christ has set you free. It’s time for you to accept that you are forgiven and blessed. When you feel bad let him preach you some good news. When your heart breaks, let him bind it up and heal it. When fires come, let him give you beauty for ashes. Walk with Christ just one day at a time and he will make you someone you never dreamed you could be. Stay in the word. Do what it says. Do not give up. Do not give in. You have the indwelling power of Christ. Girlfriend, you can do this. Now unto Him who can keep your feet from falling and present you blameless before God with dancing and leaping joy, be glory and majesty power and authority forever and ever amen.

in His love,

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