Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wow, no organized bible study to complete today . . .

We've all been talking about how hard this study has been to complete. My main thing is that for some reason, I won't even remember to sit down to do the study. I get so preoccupied with other things that it slips my mind.

Wanna know something funny? Today as I walked by my study, which is still in the same chair as last night, I picked it up to work on it! Are you kidding me???!!! The day after we finish the study is when it comes to my mind first thing on Tuesday morning? I find that quite humorous! Well, I'm glad that I'm not deemed worthy of spiritual battle this morning, but I have a surprise for my enemy! This morning, I'll be on my knees, not a posture I often take to pray, praying for each of you who have not yet had time to catch up with this study (and no, I don't remember exactly who has and has not done their work LOL). I will be praying that the Lord multiply your time and that the bible study is brought to your attention so that you will take the time to complete the study. I know that it has been especially encouraging to me and to the ladies who have done the study in the past and I will pray the same for you =0)

If you click on the link above, where I'm talking about spiritual battle, it will take you to a bible verse that I will be praying over you guys.

What a pleasure it has been to work through Believing God by Beth Moore with you.

in His love,

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