Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trusting God

Thank you ladies for your prayers Monday night. You are such a blessing to me. God is working to show me that He is there for me, waiting on me to reach out & trust Him in a way I have not been able to do before. This is not an easy thing for me, but at least I can finally see that much.

It's amazing to me that I can thoroughly trust him in some ways, such as to provide for my family financially, but have great difficulty trusting him in other ways, such as described on p. 73. The gap - the difference between the two - is becoming hugely apparent as I read our book & see how & why I have the insecurities that I do. I can't help but wonder if ultimately all of our insecurities, however big or small, stem from lack of full trust in God?

I have been praying that God will help me more fully trust Him. Now that I see this link between insecurities & trust in Him, I will expand my prayers to include you - my sisters in Christ - as well.

His blessings to you,

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